* I've been giving it thought to becoming a serious blogger. One where I can eventually make some extra money (you know, to pay off my debt). I have downloaded Ruth Soukup's book How To Blog For Profit Without Selling Your Soul. I've only read the first two chapters so far. One of the first things I would need to do is pick a domain name and transfer my blog over to Word Press and pay for hosting services. I know wouldn't make any money to start with but it would be possible in the future.
My sister is law who blogs over at Bren Did has been after me to change over since she started her blog. I know I haven't been a consistent blogger so far and that would have to change. I'm willing to commit to more postings... I have ideas for posts and then just never write them or follow through with actually writing the post.
* We applied to four elementary schools in our neighborhood. The local school that Miss C would attend (in our boundary area) is the lowest performing elementary school in the district. We are not going there, so we made the decision to choice enroll her into another school. She is number six on the waiting list at our first choice. It is a dual language elementary where half the day is in English and half the day is in Spanish. Our other first choice she did not get into but she did get into our second choice for full day kindergarten and our last choice for PM kindy. We should know more come August when there is a lot of movement as people move and decline their choices. Fingers crossed.
Happy Thursday!
- 5:00 AM