
Yarn Along

9:41 AM

It's Wednesday again and that means it is time for the weekly Yarn Along.  I'm joining with Ginny and everyone to share yarn and books.  I am working on a Lottie Cardigan for Miss C.  I let her pick out the yarn over a year ago when our LYS was going out of business.  I was going to make size 4 and that is what I bought yarn for.  Now I'm making a size 6 and making a short sleeved sweater.  She gets too hot with long sleeves (I wish I had that problem, but she takes after her daddy!).

I am also working of my Funky Grandpa.  I am having a hard time with this sweater.  There are so many things to remember to do.  I'm now working on sleeve one,  decreasing every ten rows, but changing colors every two row for nine color changes.  I'm fairly certain I've missed some decreases. I'm not worried how it will look in the end, but I've very frustrated with it.

I have been reading a mystery series with the Reverend Clare Fergusson and police chief Russ Van Alstyne from Upstate New York.  I am now reading book six called I Shall Not Want.  I have enjoyed this series and it just gets better with each book.

Happy Yarn Along Wednesday!

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  1. Gorgeous colour! I am with her on getting too hot. Being a knitter, it is sad to me that I cannot wear wool jumpers. But even in winter, I get too hot. I need to move somewhere where it actually gets cold in winter! Good luck with the Funky Grandpa - now that is a pattern name! It's a great looking cardie, very 80s retro.

  2. she is going to look so adorable in that sweater, a fantastic color!! I'm itching to cast on something spring like :)

  3. That sounds like an intriguing mystery series. I have been reading the old Sherlock Holmes novels :)

  4. Such a gorgeous color! Funky Grandpa is really beautiful, I am sure you'll be happy at the end with the result!


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