Holy Hot Tamales!

11:29 AM

It has been HOT!  This whole past week (with the exception of Wednesday and I was out of town so didn't get to enjoy) has been in the upper 90's or even in the triple digits!  Friday it was 102 at Denver International Airport (where they take the official Denver temps) and that broke a record set back in the 1800's.  Saturday it was 104 and now they are saying it is the hottest June ever in Colorado.

There are eight forest fires burning throughout the state.  Three down in the Southwest part of the state by Durango.  One in the mountains outside of Leadville and then the other four are on the front range from Colorado Springs up to Ft. Collins.  Those poor fire fighters out there is the blazing sun with all that heavy equipment.  There is no rain in sight and the humidity is something ridiculously low like 5%.  Not helping at all.

On the home front the garden is baking.  Everything is slowly wilting in the heat.  I try to water later in the day so the plants can cool down, but I don't want to water in the heat of the sun because it will evaporate that much faster.  We have a 150 pound all black Newfoundland who is just about miserable.  I let him in the house in the heat of the day and he lays in front of the AC vent.   Then late in the afternoon I turn on the sprinkler for the dogs and Corrine.

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