
10:12 AM

We are lucky in that my job is very flexible so we can arrange babysitting fairly easily.  My parents are always on hand to watch Corrine whenever we need them.  And they do the overnight care too, when we both have to be at the airport early.  I am careful, though, because they are retired and want to do their own thing too, so I don't want to schedule them too often (because they can't say no!).

We also have a babysitter who used to be our next door neighbor.  She is a stay at home mom with a seven year old.  Her daughter is one of the most well adjusted kids I've ever met and she loved playing with Corrine.  They watch Corrine on the non-overnight days.

The problem we are having right now is that we need a babysitter at our house for short date night.  We are going out with some friends on WE night to dinner and the new Warren Miller ski flick.  Corrine is going over to The G's and will spend the night since we won't be home until after 10:00.  I've looked on-line to find a sitter and there are several sites to find a babysitter.  That's fine, but I'm having a hard time paying a fee (like $35/month or a one time fee of $59.99) just to find a babysitter.  I'm sure it is worth it.  But in my head I want to find "the one" that we can use all the time and I think it is ridiculous to pay money and then pay a sitter her hourly rate on top of it.  That makes for an expensive date night.

So where do I find a babysitter?  Word of mouth?  The local high school?  We need someone who has their own transportation so friends kids are out, they aren't old enough to drive yet.  And in this day and age, finding someone trustworthy is HUGE!

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  1. Word of mouth. How about at your church, if you have one? We were lucky that my husband is a prof and he hand picked students that he thought would be reliable and nice. He was pretty good at it. Good luck, also ask your friends who they use and whoever they use do they have friends??

  2. I have to say word of mouth would be my way of looking.
    Have you ask the grands if they mind? They really may not and
    are just waiting for a chance to spoil that cutie pie.
    Wish I were closer, I would love to spoil her myself.

  3. Babysitters are difficult to find. I used to babysit by first year of college, for some reason people thought that they had to pay extra for the quality of a college student although I'm not sure why. I agree with the church idea, some of those RE people are amazing!


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